About 235 miles.
It is 274 miles according to Google Maps.
282 miles
About 7.5 hours.
The shortest distance is 437 miles.
* To the Blacksburg in Montgomery County it is 148.41 miles. * To the Blacksburg in Rockbridge County it is only 62.82 miles. * To the Blacksburg in Washington County it is 230.71 miles.
For one person, one way, from Knoxville, Tn., to Dublin, Va. is usually from $600 to $650 / For one person, one way, from Dayton, Oh., to Dublin, Va. is usually from $490 to $560.
The address of the Blacksburg Childrens Museum is: 1531 South Main Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060-5821
Virginia Polytechnic Institute is located in Blacksburg, VA, about 45 minutes south of Roanoke, Va.