It is 70.7 miles by the fastest route.
It is 63.16 miles according to MapQuest.
633 miles
710 miles
How many miles from Williams AZ to Santa Fe NM
It all depends where in Santa Fe. i got this info from a Santa Fe county stafff
Valspar Paint is available at Ace Hardware, 2006 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe NM.
The driving distance from Austin, TX to Santa Fe, NM is 690 miles.
The driving distance from Lubbock, TX to Santa Fe, NM is approximately 330 miles or 531 kilometers.
The driving distance from Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico to Santa Fe, New Mexico is 297 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 5 hours.
Santa fe is located in New Mexico, so the abbreviation is NM.
You can find a reputable insurance attorney near Sante Fe, NM at Bennett Firm. It is located at 460 Saint Michaels Drive, Santa Fe, NM.