129 miles
The distance between Clarksville, TN and Dickson, TN is approximately 40 miles via I-40 E.
The driving distance from Clarksville, Tennessee to Nashville Tennessee is 47 miles via I-24 per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 54 minutes.
219.14 miles . 3 hours and 48 minutes
207 miles
The address of the Clarksville-Montgomery County History Museum is: , Clarksville, TN 37041
The population of Clarksville, TN is 136,231 residents. Clarksville is the fifth-largest city in the entire state of Tennessee. The population was 132,929 in the 2010 US census, so it has grown by 3,302 residents in just four years.
231 miles taking this route:Take I-24 EAST, from Clarksville, to I-40 WEST to MEMPHIS, in Nashville.Take I-40 WEST to TN-385 EAST (FUTURE I-269) at EXIT 24A.Take TN-385 EAST to Eads.
The road mile distance between Houston, TX and Clarksville, TN is approximately 715 miles.
in clarksville tn