504 miles
It is 456 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Chatham, VA to Whipple, VA is approximately 45 miles.
434 miles
Hardeeville, SC is the halfway point between Norfolk VA and Ft Myers FL
Rockingham, NC is about halfway between Goose Creek, SC and Lynchburg, VA.
Fayetteville, North Carolina is roughly half way between Richmond and Charleston.
Your halfway point is Smithfield, NC, along I-95.
The distance between Charleston, SC, and Fredericksburg, VA, is approximately 450 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This would generally require about a 7-8 hour drive by car.
about 350 miles
The halfway point from Fredericksburg, VA, and Charleston, SC, is Dunn, NC. This is the route halfway point. The midpoint (if a straight line was drawn between the two places) would be in Angier, NC.
Jamestown VA, Baltimore MD, Charleston SC, Newbern NC, Savannah GA