Bălţi-Chişinău: approx. 120 km
The distance is 441 km.
approx. 8 500 km from Bucharest
The distance between San Francisco and Bucharest is 12 300 km (straight line).
Bucharest, RO26.100044.4333Auckland, NZ174.7667-36.8667Miles:10717.69Kilometers:17247.97Bearing:SE
Orlando - Bucharest: ca. 9 600 km
The distance between Bucharest and Miami is 9 630 km (straight line).
The distance between Toronto and Bucharest is 8 400 km (straight line on the map).
The distance between New York and Bucharest is of cca. 8 250 km (straight line).
The distance between El Paso and Bucharest is 11 400 km (straight line).
For example: Bucharest-Cluj: 435 km Bucharest-BraÅŸov: 170 km Bucharest-Carei: 600 km
The distance from Bucharest to Kuala Lumpur is about 8,620 km (5,360 miles). The figure is different for other choices of start- and end-points.