The driving distance from Brevard, NC, to Winston-Salem, NC, is 176.12 miles.
The driving distance from Elizabethton, Tennessee to Brevard, North Carolina is 100 miles.
The address of the Transylvania Heritage Museum is: Po Box 2347, Brevard, NC 28712-2347
1449 miles
139 miles taking this route:Take I-40 EAST from Knoxville to I-26 EAST to HENDERSONVILLE and SPARTANBURG off EXIT 46 A in NORTH CAROLINA.Take I-26 EAST to NC-280 to BREVARD off EXIT 40; TURN RIGHT off the exit ramp onto NC-280 SOUTH to BREVARD.Take NC-280 SOUTH to Brevard.
The address of the Brevard Station Museum is: 112 South Main Street, Stanley, NC 28164-1750
The total distance is 126miles. The journey would take about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
It is 964 miles according to Google Maps.
85 miles
Cliff Melton was born January 3, 1912, in Brevard, NC, USA.
Champ Osteen was born February 24, 1877, in Brevard, NC, USA.
how far is concord nc from salisbury nc