The driving distance between Montgomery Alabama and Birmingham Alabama is 91 miles via I-65 per Map Quest. The driving time to Montgomery per Map Quest is 1 hour and 24 minutes.
To drive from Montgomery, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama, it will take 1 hour and 28 minutes.
It is 91.38 miles according to MapQuest.It is 91.8 miles according to Google Maps.
Montgomery is the capital city in Alabama. Based on population the largest cities in Alabama are #1 Birmingham, and #2 Montgomery. The population of those cities per the 2010 census was Birmingham - 212,237, Montgomery - 205,764.
Montgomery, Alabama
Montgomery Birmingham Mobile
Southwest Airlines flies to Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham is closer by approx 80 miles
93 miles
Birmingham is north of Alabama's capital. The capital of Alabama is Montgomery, but it's largest city is Birmingham. Birmingham is more northwest of it's capital.