The shortest driving distance is 53.6 miles.
approximately 580 miles
15 miles
According to Google Maps it is about 821 miles (Conway, SC to Niagara Falls). But if you are looking for Canada, then it is about 380 km (Conway, Ontario to Niagara Falls).
About 100 miles.
The distance between dillon sc and Brooklyn ny is 598 miles and will take about 9 hours 51 Minutes to drive.
263 miles
115 miles
99 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 378 EAST from Sumter to U.S. 701 in Conway. Follow signs to U.S. 701 NORTH.Take U.S. 701 NORTH to Loris.
The distance is 23 km (14.3 miles). Have a nice trip.
95 miles
124 miles