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Q: How far from yangoon to kawthaung?
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What is the airport code for Kawthaung Airport?

The airport code for Kawthaung Airport is KAW.

Is Yangon in Thailand?

Yangoon or Rangoon is in Burma

How long is the flight from Tokyo to Yangoon?

Did you mean Yangon, Myanmar? If so, around 6 hours.

What body of salt water is 400 miles west of Yangoon Burma and 400 miles south of Dhaka Bangladesh?

The answer is The Bay of Bengal

What is the comparative and superlative of the word far?

far and far and far

Is the sun the biggest object in space?

no, the sun is not the largest object because there are much larger stars and other suns that are far,far,far,far,far,far,far,far,far, faaaaaaaaaaaaaraway from us!!!!AMAZING!!!!!!

How would you describe the distance between Pluto and the Sun?

Far far, far, far, far.

What was the former name for Myanmar?

Myanmar was originally known as Burma, and that is still its official name. No legislature in Burma has actually approved the name Myanmar, which is derived from the Burmese short-form name Myanma Naingngandaw and has been promoted by the military authorities in Burma.

Is far far away a place?

Far, far away is a saying that means something is literally far away.

When did FAR - Tracteurs FAR - end?

FAR - Tracteurs FAR - ended in 1970.

When was FAR - Tracteurs FAR - created?

FAR - Tracteurs FAR - was created in 1919.

How did the first telephone change people?

because people can now talk when they are far far far far far away