141 miles taking this route:
1425 miles
It is 127.74 mles according to MapQuest.
It is 127.74 miles accordfing to MapQuest.
454 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 160 EAST, from Cortez, to I-25 NORTH to PUEBLO, in Walsenburg.Take I-25 NORTH up to U.S. 36 WEST to WESTMINSTER and BOULDER at EXIT 217.Take U.S. 36 WEST to Boulder.
Colorado University at Boulder
The address of the Boulder Public Library is: Drawer H, Boulder, CO 80306
The address of the Historic Boulder is: 646 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302-5004
Finding a list of banks in the Boulder CO area can come from several places. Try searching Google for banks in Boulder CO or try the phone book.
You can find listings for new homes for sale in Boulder, CO at www.trulia.com and www.homes.com.
The address of the Boulder History Museum is: 1206 Euclid Ave, Boulder, CO 80302-7224
The address of the Boulder Genealogical Society is: Po Box 3246, Boulder, CO 80307-3246
Boulder, CO has an elevation of 5,430 feet (1,655 meters) above sea level.