50 miles
The distance between Winter Haven, FL and Kissimmee, FL is about 50 kilometers.
107 miles
786 milesTake I-95 SOUTH, from Richmond, to I-4 WEST to ORLANDO at EXIT 260B in Daytona Beach, FLORIDA.Take I-4 WEST to CR-557 SOUTH to WINTER HAVEN at EXIT 48.Take CR-557 SOUTH to Winter Haven.
Haven-Villa of Winter Haven was created in 1926.
Haven-Villa of Winter Haven ended in 1926.
It is 51.76 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 7.62 miles according to MapQuest.
Orlando Bloom lives in Haven in London. And L.A.
The Mayor of the City of Winter Haven is J.P. Powell.
Winter Haven's Gilbert Airport was created in 1943.
Winter Haven Christian School was created in 1965.