The address of the Colonial Williamsburg Job Line is: 427 Franklin St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
21 miles
By car it is 51 miles.
It is 184 miles according to Google Maps.
220 miles
249 miles
20 miles taking I-64 EAST.
Exactly 200 miles.
It is 389 miles from Pittsburgh, PA to Williamsburg, VA. There is more than one route, but the primary one would be Interstates 70 and 95.
The distance according to MapQuest is 300.68 miles.
The driving distance between Williamsburg VA and Nassawadox VA via US-13 is 96 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 1 hour and 46 minutes.
No, both are a part of the Historic Triangle in Virginia along with Yorktown. Jamestown was founded on 14 May 1607 and Williamsburg was founded 9.4 miles away as Middle Plantation 25 years later.