how far is Long Island ,NY from Walnutport, Pa.
The driving distance is 1,479 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 247 miles.
165 miles
The shortest driving distance is 995 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 247 miles.
Since Long Island is 118 miles long, it would make a difference from where on Long Island you are calculating the mileage. From Montauk, LI, NY (on the far eastern end of LI) to Otisville is 189 miles, about 3 hours, 35 minutes driving time. From JFK International Airport, in Queens, NY (on the western end of LI) to Otisville is 90 miles, about 1 hour, 55 minutes driving time.
As the crow flies, about 750 miles.
Wildwood State Park in Long Island, NY has waterfront on Long Island Sound. So you could say that Wildwood IS a long island beach.
The shortest driving distance is 1,273 miles.
335 miles
3200 miles