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It depends on your Immigration status, it also depends on which state your in.. and if you have a licence for that state.. you need a current state drivers licence to get the insurance

Im a legal resident with a clean UK drivers licence and got a licence without any real agro but i bought a new motor and insurance check out the DMV for the state your in or going to..

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Q: How easy is it to buy insure register and drive a used car in the US as a British foreign national?
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Insure?? yes, register? NOT unless your name is on the TITLE.

Do you need a cdl to register and insure a truck?

No, just to drive it.

Can I insure and register a car in my name if my name is not on the title?

I know you can put the car your insurance but to register a different story

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When do you need to purchase a licence plate sticker?

In Massachusetts, when you register and insure vehicle

Can I register my car in NY but insure it in FL?

In order to register your car in NY you will need an insurance bar code with valid NYS insurance.

Can your mom insure your car and you register the car?

If her name is on the registration of the car and she drives it sometimes.

Can you register and insure a car if you are not on the loan?

If you're an owner, it doesn't matter if you're not on the loan.

How do you get liblity insurance on a borrowed car that no insurance?

You have to own a vehicle to insure it then you have to register it as the registered owner. So if you are borrowing a vehicle either the owner has to insure it or you have to buy it from them

Title is in your name can you insure vehicle and someone else register it in ny?

To give you a basic answer, the insurance company will only insure a vehicle if the listed owner is on the policy. Mark

What is the cheapest foreign car to insure for a 16 year old male?
