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The salt can cause corrosion and rust within your cars body work and engine. E.G. imagine if you were driving on a wet road and all of that water spraying everywhere was salt.... It is impossible to get out and in the end it will cause corrosion resulting in don't buy cars from England.

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Q: How does using road salt affect the following car?
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Related questions

How does road salt affect surrounding plants?

The salt burns plants that are around the road that was salted.

Does road salt affect radish plant growth?

Yes. Any salt will adversely affect the growth of a radish.

Is it possible for the pH of the road salt to affect the pH of the acid rain?

No, it is not possible.

What are some draw backs of using salt on the roads?

it will effect the smoothness of the road

How did road salt get its name?

salt + road = road salt... keep it up

Where to get road salt?

Road salt is impure salt directly extracted from mines.

Why have states in new England stopped using salt to melt ice?

Road damage and pollution.

How many road miles from salt lake to cheyenne?

The driving distance from Salt Lake FL to Cheyenne WY is 1,915 road miles (using I-80 West) - about 31 hours driving time.

Where can one find more information about road salt?

One can find more information on road salts from the following sources: Green Venture, National Geographic, Green Living, Salt Institute, Wikipedia, Ministry of Transportation, USA Today.

What are some uses for road salt?

Road salt is used for deicing.

What are the bad effects of road salt?

Road salt causes corosion of vehicles

What is road salt used for?

Road salt is used for deicing streets and walkways