The distance between Dubai and Abu Dhabi is 170 km.
by car or taxi
The distance from Dubai Airport in Dubai United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi International Airport in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates is 81.8 miles. This will take approximately 1 hour and 19 minutes to travel by car.
abu Dhabi or Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: 79 miles or 127 kilometers
85 miles
The driving distance is 15.4km / 9.6 miles using Abu Dhabi-Dubai Rd/E 10.
Live - Abu Dhabi Holiday - Dubai - more attractions but you eould need to spend a day or two in Abu Dhabi to visit the F1 and ferarri world!
Yes, of course, it is the same country, there are no internal border restrictions prohibiting travel
about 45 minutes
There is no rail link between the two cities