drive it in reverse Cars these days with electronic vehicle speed sensors register mileage going forward or backward. There is nothing a homeowner can do legally do to alter the vehicles mileage.
They don't. Diesels get better mileage and last longer.
Some cars make noise like a squeak or a chirp when driven in reverse if they have high mileage. This noise is a warning that the transmission needs to be serviced. The filter should be changed along with the fluid.
It depends on the car make Most of the cars 100,000 miles is a high mileage For some cars as Mercedes, BMW, Volvo 150,000 miles is a high mileage Alaa Farag
Usually online sites that sale new or used cars have the gas mileage included in the car facts. Find an online dealership that sales a different variety of cars and then you can compare mileage collectively. Also places like enterprise and hertz have gas mileage on all of there cars as well.
The odometer
You don't. It's against the law.
Solar cars have 4 wheels but the 2 wheels on the back pull them back to make them reverse!
One of the best ways to find the top gas mileage cars is by looking at a comparison list. You should always compare the statistics of hybrid cars before buying one that you think has the top gas mileage. There are plenty of ways to find a list of the top gas mileage cars. You can find this list at a dealership website or at a website aimed at consumer rights.