you have to unbolt plastic cover on top of engine should be around 6 bolts or less detach filter two clips. take all plugs out and pipes once top comes off you will see the four seals
the inlet manifold could Be leaking so check the gaskets or the injector seals
The headlight bulb seals in the Nissan Micra can be very tight. If you cannot loosen them, it is best to take the car to a mechanic to avoid any damage.
did you check the condition of the valve stem seals while you had the head off? bad valve stem seals will allow oil to leak into inlet manifold . the head needs to be off to change valve stem seals
Their usual habitat is a bay or inlet of salt-water.
sounds like your valve stem seals ar worn out , allowing oil into inlet manifold
If refering to the 200 series Rovers such as the 211,214,216 etc then the thermostat is in a housing beneayh the fuel inlet manifold, at the back of the engine at the crankshaft pulley end. access is limited so is sometimes easier reaching from underneath the car. it has rubber O ring seals.
Replace the whole rack, it would take speical tools to replace seals
Replace seals
Transmission seals? front yes, rear no. Engine seals, yes.
usually your intake manifold is ok...the manifold gaskets are prone to failure..they are plastic with rubber impregnated seals...if the manifold is actually pitted, you can repair with JB WELD then sand smooth.... ase master certified tech
It can cost upwards of 200.00 dollars to replace the transmission seals in a 96 Honda Accord as of 2014. The exact price depends on the seals you purchase.
YOU DON'T!!! I have a 2003 avalanche and I had to replace the water pump you can't replace the seals!!! It's a defect in the 2001 to 2003 avalanche the seals fail.