The 2001 Chevy Cavalier parking brake has an adjustment bolt on the parking brake assembly. Turn the adjustment bolt to loosen or tighten the parking brake.
how do i replace the hub assembly on a 1997 cavalier 2.3 Ls
its your park brake.
How do you replace timing chain & water pump on a2001 Chevrolet cavalier
Brake lines on a 2001 Chevy Tracker cost between $200 and $400. Labor to install the lines typically runs from $150 to $300.
It sounds like you have air in your brake lines. It sounds like you have air in your brake lines.
how to replace the brake light switch at the pedal of a 2001 ford zx2
How do you replace the rear brake light bulb on a 2001 Honda civic?"
Sounds like your brake switch is bad, it should be under the dash where the brake pedal comes down. It has a pin coming out the touches the brake lever.
This is usually cause by a stuck brake light switch on the brake pedal. Replace it.
Remove the tail light housing and replace the bulbs.