Remove the 2 glove box latch screws.
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2. Remove the 4 screws holding the the glove box, two at the top and two at the bottom
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3. Once the screws are removed pull out the glove box. You may need to use a crew driver to undo the right/top clip.
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4. With the glove box removed, you will be able to see the Fan Control Amplifier for automatic air condition system or Blower Motor Resistor for the manual system.
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5. Remove the 2 screws holding the Amplifier/Resistor, pull out the Amplifier/Resistor and install the new one.
location blower motor resistor 92 J30
The blower motor resistor, for your infinity automobile, can be found in the engine compartment on the firewall. The resistor will be on the passenger side of the firewall.
Pictures and description
The blower motor speed resistor is burned out. You can replace only the resistor but the resistor probably burned out because the blower motor is going bad. If you want to fix it for good, replace both the blower motor and blower motor speed resistor.
Take the glove box out then behind it if you listen you can find the blower mtr not all the facts but its how far I got
Check to see if you are getting power to blower motor - if so replace blower motor If not check fuse, switch, resistor pack.
Check to see if you have 12 volts at the blower motor. If yes then the blower motor is bad. If no, then the resistor, relay, or fuse is bad.
To replace a blower motor on the resistor first you take off the nozzle and then you go into the motor through the nozzle and unlock it then repeat and oil and done.
# Locate the blower resistor under the right-side of the instrument panel # Disconnect the electrical connector from the blower motor resistor # Remove the blower motor resistor mounting screws and remove the resistor from the housing # Installation is the reverse of removal
replace the blower motor switch
you need a new blower motor resistor with auto temp control
One can replace blower motor resistor on 2003 Nissan altima by removing the old using spanners and replacing it with a new one.