On or about the time it expires. Most people renew it within the 30 days prior to expiration.
Go to the department of motor vehicles or go to their website and renew it.
You simply don't renew the tags and registration. When it's ready to be driven again, then you go and get the tags and registration for it.
In NC, your inspection is due when it is time to renew your registration. Idk where you are though.
Registration for a car should be made from the state in which you are a legal resident. It must be registered somewhere in order to be driven legally.
Not unless you ask for the amount it will cost to renew the registration. Typically you will be able to ask for this information to be discounted from the asking price, but the dealer won't go to the trouble to renew for you, unless they've already done so.
As long as you have an address in that state, it should be fine. You're renewing, not filing a new registration.
It is possible to renew your vehicle registration with the Texas online website. You have to live within certain counties though to do it and you have to have a credit card and your insurance card in front of you when you renew your registration online.
Once a year.
If you live in a city, state or country where emissions checks are mandatory to renew registration. Then removing your catalytic converter will make it impossible to renew your registration.
I would keep the plates and transfer to the other car. Either way you will pay more. One of the things that is not clear is that if you are giving up the first car for another car or if you will have two cars. If you are selling the first car don't pay for the new registration and have the new owner pay for it when they buy it. If you are keeping it you will have to pay for the registration and keep the plates because the new car will need both.
Dear Sir/Madum My registration expired on 2006 now we would like to renew it, please explin us the necessary formality for it. Regards Jayasree