You don't. A tach (tachometer) measures engine RPM (Revolutions per Minute), not mileage.
Answer All cars no matter the make have to idle or they will stall. If you have a tach in your car at 70 miles and hour your tach should be around 2800 to 3200 rpm's depending on what gear you have your car in.
theirs a green wire by distributer that is for the tach
IF you have the installation instructions for the tach, it prolly tells you where to attach the tach wire. If not, call the manu. of the tach or search for their website online.
Yes you can
Yes you can
This entirely depends on the vehicle and the type of tach your referring to such as a add on tach or an OEM in dash tach. To explain how to install and OEM tach would take far to long. I would suggest a add on tach that mounts basically where ever you want to mount it. Most of these tachs explain the installation instructions. I personally recommend a tach by Autometer you can view their products on the web at the link below. , EzForJesus
if you mean tach/tachometer you have find an aftermarket tach driver and plug it in where the original tach plugs in
I just bought the instrument cluster out of one with the tach in it out of a junkyard. All of the wiring plugs are identical. Just a couple of screws to remove and three plugs on the back of it. 93 to 97 should be the same.
V tach stands for ventricular tachycardia.
It should work. I have a 94 w/o a tach and put a LE version cluster with tach in. Works fine. There should still be a tach wire grouped into the harness plugs. Just unplug your old one and plug in the new one that's it.
there will be a spot on back of distributor cap it will say tach run wire from there to gauge. You probably need to run a switched 12v lead as well to illuminate the tach at night. The tach slot on the distributor will take care of 'timing' the pulse to the tach. Often times the tach will have a switch setting for 4-6-8 cylinder. Read the manufacturer instructions carefully.