how to program a new key 2008 mitsubishi colt
You need a working key. You will need to have the dealer or a locksmith cut and program a new key.You need a working key. You will need to have the dealer or a locksmith cut and program a new key.
its not possible you need a minimmum of two keys to program a new key you need your old key and a new one sorry.
program new keyswitch for 2003 odyssey
i lost my key
That is the dealers responsibility. It should be included with the purchase of the new key.
The dealership can generally program a new transponder key based on the VIN. Most good locksmiths can reproduce the key, but would need the original to do so.
If you want to program a new PK3 Key, there is a procedure at the bottom of the linked page.Take Care,Greg
purchase and program new key remotes
The dealers scan tool is required.
I made a new key made and now the car will not start: I need instructions onj how to manualy program the key:
You don't. Take the car and the new fob to a caddy dealer or a locksmith who has the equipment to program it.