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They don't go bad. Either it maintains vac or it does not. If not, just replace gaskets.

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Q: How do you know if your valve cover is bad?
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How do you know if your PVC valve is bad?

start the car and pull the PCV valve out of the valve cover and put your finger over the end of it and see if you feel it sucking.

How you know if your valve cover is bad?

The valve cover on a typical engine is a non wearing part. If it were damaged it could be bent, warped or cracked and could be the source of an engine oil leak.

What would cause exhaust to come from valve covers?

warped valve cover. bad gasket. cracked valve cover cracked block

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the valve cover gasket is bad, or the valve cover is loose

How do you know if you have a bad valve?

Check the compression of the cylinders you will have a low reading in the one with a bad valve

There is oil all over the spark plug cap closest to the driver side whats wrong?

either you have a bad valve cover gasket, a bad oil cap gasket, a crack in the valve cover, or the seals for the spark plugs have gone bad.

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How do you know when a PVC valve is bad?

A PVC valve is typically bad in a car if a car has an oil leak. Other signs of a bad valve include a collapsed hose and a sludge-like buildup.

What may cause oil to leak?

Bad engine seal? Bad oil filter? Leaking valve cover gasket?

What is the name of the part that connects to the valve cover it's some kind of breather valve but need to know the name of it to order the part?

It may be the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) valve. This valve is usually installed into the valve cover and has a hose connected to it.