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Some trojan horse viruses are more easy to spot than others. Easy signs of a trojan include but aren't limited to:

  • Fake viral programs that contain spelling errors or is associated with an unknown company
  • Computer becomes very slow over a short period of time (even under a small workload)
  • Constant pop-ups that seem suspicious
  • Longer start-up and shutdown times
  • More spam mail (less used tactic, but if you see an email for Viagra or Cialis DON'T open it)

Other signs that are more difficult to spot out are:

  • Unusual load time for a commonly used webpage (like Google, MSN, Facebook, or Bing)
  • Random permissions from an unknown program through Microsoft's UAC control (for Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems)

Some words of advice:

  • Use a reliable antivirus program (I personally recommend Avast)
  • DON'T download anything from an unreliable source
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I dont know i think its the Trojan virus or the Jerusalum virus.

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'you need a Trojan horse to create a Trojan virus' LOL , Trojan Horse itself is a Virus !

What are the types of Trojan horse virus?

There aren't types of Trojan Horse virus. A Trojan Horse is a type of virus.

Is Trojan a virus?

Trojan is a kind of Malware. And Malwares are virus.

How bad is a Trojan virus?

A trojan virus is worse than a normal virus and is more likely to crash your computer

What is the name of a free program offering a Trojan virus remover?

The name of the program that is offering a free Trojan virus remover is Trojan Virus. One can download a free trial from their website which is 'trojan-remover'.

Does pokegen contain a computer virus?

as far as I know, there is no virus. but I strongly DO NOT recommend you to download PokeSav because it has a Trojan Horse Backdoor VB.KWW virus.

How do you get Trojan?

its a virus

How does one remove a Trojan virus from one's computer?

There are many ways one can remove a trojan virus from one's computer. One can remove a trojan virus from their computer by downloading a virus removal software such as Sophos.

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virus virus

Is dialer1lgc a virus please let you know?

I can't find it in any of the malware/virus/trojan/spybot databases. I think you're okay.

Does latale cause viruses?

It shouldn't. If your anti-virus says it is a virus or a trojan it's because XTrap is coded in a way similar to a virus or a trojan.