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First, why would you need insurance without a drivers license? If you own a vehicle for some reason you can buy insurance on it as long as you are very truthful and list the drivers on the policy. You will be excluded as a driver and no coverage will apply if for any reason you drive the car.

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Can you have auto insurance in Boston with a international driver license?

Depending on the Insurance Company, international drivers licenses are accepted at their discretion.

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Drivers' licenses. The apostrophe at the end of "drivers'" indicated multiple instances of a possessive clause.

Where can you purchase insurance without a drivers license?

If you have no drivers license then you have no business driving a vehicle, therfore you do not need insurance.

What licenses can be used in all states?

drivers licenses

In Pennsylvania if you have a junior drivers license can you leave the state?

Drivers who have junior licenses are required to check with their insurance companies and Department of Transportation to make sure that theirÊlicenses arevalid before leaving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Once those steps are taken,Êyoung drivers with junior licenses may leave the state.

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Depending on the state the DMV can suspend the registered owners drivers licenses.

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If you want to be a rig hand, you will probably not need a drivers license. I work in the water well drilling industry, and we hire laborers without drivers licenses to work in the shop and on the rigs.

What state department is responsible for issuing drivers licenses?

Each state handles laws concerning drivers licenses .

Can you purchase car insurance without a drivers license?

no it is illegal

Can you get a drivers licenses in California?

Yes, you can.

Do you have to have a drivers licenses in NC?

If you drive you do.

Are Nebraska drivers licenses in compliance with the federal REAL ID Act?

Yes, Indiana drivers licenses are in compliance with the Federal Real ID Act.