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Unless you have a lien on the car, you have no rights as far as repossessing the vehicle goes. If you send a repo agency - even as a joke - and they collect the car while you have no legal claim to it - then both you and the repo agent have committed theft.

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Q: How do you get a car repoed witthout owner knowing?
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If you believe your car has been repoed but it was stolen and used in a police chase but know one was caught can the police place the blame on the car owner?

You will be explaining that one to a judge, most likely.

Can you get your wheels back if car was repoed?

No As far as finance company is concerned the car came with wheels, it has wheels on it when repoed. Done deal.

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Does the owner have to sign title in order for you to transfer a car you repoed?

Most titles I have signed had instructions on the back. Call your local DMV to be sure you get it right the first time.

What if you are getting your car repoed but you dont have the car?

Then tell the Repossession agents where it is and who has it.

What will happen to you if the repo man comes to get your car while you're traveling out of state?

1)he will take the car you left if that is the car to be repoed. 2)If you are traveling in the car to be repoed he will wait for you to return and repo it after you get back.

You are current registered owner of car at DMV Leinholder lender that gave you loan is current legal owner at the DMV Can another lender repo your car saying they have an old interest in vehicle?

No, this would be considered a lien loss. Typically this occurs when a vehicle is traded in, previously repoed and resold, or sold outright and the previous lienholder either never perfected the lien, or provided the proper paperwork when reselling it after repossession. If the vehicle is repoed, contact your lender to ensure they did not order it, contact the repo agency who recovered it and report it wrongfully repoed, and demand the name of the lender who ordered it. The vehicle if actually wrongfully repoed must be returned to you undamaged as soon as possible.

If your car is repoed can they charge you to get back you personal belongings?


Do repo papers have to be shown when your car is being repoed?


How late can you be before a car is repoed?

3 months

If a car is repoed can they repo your new car?

If you aren't paying for that car's payments then yes. The only reason why your car should be repoed it because the payments aren't being made on it. It doesnt matter if your car is from the 1940's or if you brought the car last month, the car can be repoed if you dont pay the payment for 2 or more months (consult dealership for it's repo rules).