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By looking at any GAP Insurance Policy you purchased and looking at the dates to see if it is in effect. If you bought GAP Insurance, you would have been given a copy of the bogus GAP insurance Policy.

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Q: How do you find out If you have gap insurance?
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Gap insurance provider?

form_title=Find a Gap insurance provider form_header=If you're between jobs, find temporary health insurance. Have you had any accidents in the last 5 years?= () Yes () No What type of insurance are you looking for?=_ Will any family members also be on the insurance plan?= () Yes () No

Where can I find out more about GAP insurance?

You can find out more about GAP insurance by doing a search. Some websits I came across where and and also here

Where can I find cheap gap car insurance in Texas if I put a low down payment on my car?

Cheap gap car insurance can be found in Texas but only under certain locations. You could try an all state or a Texas home insurance company for cheap gap insurance policies.

Does gap insurance cover the vehicle if repo is made? Google can find lots of things

What if GAP insurance was not offered Can I sue the dealership?

No the dealership can not be sued if they did not offer GAP insurance. The dealership is not required to offer GAP insurance.

How do you contact gap insurance?

Gap insurance is not the name of a company, it is a type of auto insurance related to leasing vehicles.

What if your car repossessed with gap insurance?

The gap insurance is part of your auto loan so I am not sure what your question is. Gap insurance covers your car if you total it and the fair market value for your car is below what you owe. If your car gets reposessed, you still owe the lender. Actually, the cost of the gap insurance is rolled into the loan - it's not part of the loan. If you can find your original paperwork from when you bought your car, find the information on the company that issued the gap insurance policy, and then call them and tell them you no longer own the car, and see if you can get a partial refund on the premium! Can't hurt to try, right? I do vehicle refinances, and our auto loan contract includes the gap insurance (although we call it something else) for free, so I have helped several people cancel their gap coverage, although we usually do it pretty early in the loan. Same with credit disability insurance, if you have it.

Where can I learn more about gap car insurance?

Gap insurance is designed to give additional coverage so you are not stuck with a bill in case an accident happens in between. You can find out about this at

What does Gap insurance use for in Illinois?

What is Illinois gap car insurance? Is insurance you can purchase to cover the gap between the cost of repaying your car loan and the amount the insurance company will actually give you for your totaled car.

Where is the best Gap insurance located at?

What insurance you go with is entirely up to you; insurance is all about personal preference. Gap insurance has some lower rates than other companies; make sure you can get Gap insurance in your area by checking their website.

If you total your car after your insurance is canceled will GAP insurance still protect you?

NO,, GAP Insurance is supposed to pay the difference between what your Auto Policy paid and any remaining portion of your loss after the Auto Insurance Policy has paid it's maximum. If No Auto Insurance Policy is in Place providing comprehensive and collision coverage then your GAP Policy is Null and Void. GAP coverage only pays in conjunction with your Auto Insurance Policy. No Auto Insurance! No Gap Payment

Do I need to purchase GAP insurance or is that already part of the package when you buy a new car?

GAP insurance is normally offered to you when you buy a car. If it was purchased at all, that is up to you. If you do not have it then you can find someone else that offers it. A few insurance carriers offer this as part of their plan. Progressive and Unitrin offer that with their auto insurance policies.