100 feet.
Driving distance in the US is measured in miles. it's 762.85 miles. There are 5280 feet in one mile.
25 feet.
1.079 ins
Oklahoma City to Dallas is 1,087,680 feet.
The stopping distance when driving at 50 mph can vary based on factors such as road conditions and vehicle weight. As a rough estimate, the average stopping distance at 50 mph is around 175-225 feet. It is important to maintain a safe following distance and be prepared to brake gradually to avoid collisions.
You cannot; feet are a measure of DISTANCE while seconds are a measure of TIME.
Square feet can not go into liters. Liters measures liquid while square feet measure distance.
Alabama and Tennessee share a common border. Theoretically, the driving distance could be five feet. On the other hand, From Bristol TN to Mobile AL is 615 miles, or 9+ hours.
Square feet and feet are not interchangable. Square feet measures area, which is 2D, while feet measure distance, which is 1D. You can't convert the two.
500 feet
550 feet.