Telephone country code +1 is North America (USA, Canada, etc.), but there is no area code 121 in North America. It is an invalid number.
The country code and area code of Meerut, India is 91, (0)121.
121 El Dorado Lane, Anahiem
Area code +44 121 is Birmingham, England, United Kingdom There is no North American (US, Canada, etc.) area code +1 121; North American area codes never begin with 1. There are several +1 21X area codes, all in the US.
All 121's are date code, see related links for the table/information for looking it up.
June, 1941
It is BAB 121
The serial number of Remington rifles will not give you the date of manufacture. The two or three letter code stamped on the base of the barrel will tell the year and usually also the month of manufacture. On a Remington 121 this letter code OS usually on the left side of the barrel right next to the front of the action. I have a 121 with the letter code "OF". This indicates that my gun was made in July of 1937.
The country code and area code of Birmingham, United Kingdom is 44, (0)121.
Oh, dude, area code 121 doesn't actually exist in the US. Like, it's as real as a unicorn wearing sunglasses. So, if you're trying to call someone in a city with that area code, good luck finding them in the land of make-believe!
121 cubed = 121 x 121 x 121 = 1,771,561