It is approximately 215.7 miles from Greenville, SC to Myrtle Beach.
Probably Myrtle Beach, SC. About 250 driving miles east from Greenville, SC.
The driving distance from Greenville SC and Union SC is 58.2 road miles - about 1 hour driving time.
about 3 hours
What is the halfway point between washington, dc and greenville, sc
Yes, there is a Ramada In Greenville, SC. It is named the Ramada Inn Downtown and is located at 1001 South Church Street in Greenville South Carolina.
The average driving distance from Greenville SC to Houston, TX is 945 miles.
The total driving distance from Raleigh, NC to Greenville, SC is 265 miles.
about 210 miles
The nearest major airport is Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP / KGSP). This airport has domestic flights and is about 10 miles from the center of Greenville, SC.
It is 213 miles taking this route:Take I-26 WEST, from Charleston, to I-385 NORTH to GREENVILLE at EXIT 51.Take I-385 NORTH to Greenville.
You can go online to Greenville SC Homes.The Greenville SC Homefinder allows potential buyers to browse all of the property listings available in Greenville at the moment.