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Vehicle takes an excessive time to attain normal operating temperature

Heat not HOT with coolant full - thermostat not closing properly

Vehicle heats up too soon - No heat with coolant full

Coolant boils out of reservoir or top of radiator - thermostat not opening

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Q: How can you tell if the thermostat is going out?
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Where is the thermostat located on a 1995 Toyota Camry?

Tell me where the thermostat on the 1995 Toyota Camry is located?

How can you tell if your thermostat is bad in a 2001 chvy Malibu?

Mine went bad. First, the temp went over the 1/2 way mark, then, the temp wasn't going up to the 1/2 mark. I changed the thermostat and now it is fine.

Where is the thermostat sensor in a 2001 Kia Sportage?

mounted right next to the thermostat , has one wire going to it.

What causes overheating?

one of the things that could be casing your ovreheating problem is a stuck thermostat. The thermostat stays closed until the engine gets to a certaqin temperature and then opens up to cool the engine. if the thermostat fails to open no coolent gets to the engine therfore causing the engine to overheat. one way to tell if your thermostat is going out is your upper radiator hose where the themostat housing is will be stretched and feel kinda rubbery. hope this helps could also be that your water pump is going and or a broken water pump belt...but id go with the thermostat first.then take it from there.

Could somebody tell you the right temperature for 3.4 impala 2000 thE CAR DONT HAVE THERMOSTAT THE TEMPERATURE STAY IN MIDDLE AND THEN IS GOING DOWN.?

Any Auto Parts store can tell you the correct temperature thermostat for your Impala. Probably it requires a 195 degree thermostat. One thing for sure is no thermostat is not what you want. Running without a thermostat, will cause the engine to not reach full operating temperature. The engine will not perform to peak efficiency at below normal operating temperature. Normally that is around 220-230 Degrees. Your engine is computer controlled and the computer bases fuel/air mixture and timing on the engine temperature. Install the correct thermostat.

How do I tell if my Auto's water pump is going bad?

Sometimes they'll emit a high pitched noise before they go bad. Is your engine running hot? Could be a bad thermostat.

How do you tell the difference between the 351w and the 351c?

The way I tell the difference is the engine thermostat location : On the Cleveland it is mounted horizontally by the distributor and on the Windsor the thermostat is mounted vertically in the end of the intake manifold

How do you know if the thirmistate is going out?

You will know of your thermostat is going out when your car overheats, then turn on your heater really hot on full blast, then the temp will instantly drop. This is a sign of a thermostat gone bad.

How can you tell wheather the radiator or the thermostat is not working because my car has a very serious problem with it overheating?

Take your thermostat out and put everything back together, run your car without a thermostat... If your car no longer overheats, replace your thermostat.

How do you know which thermostat should you use?

The Parts store will know when you tell them what you have.

Where is the thermostat located in Ford Fiesta?

I dont know please tell me

Daewoo replace the thermostat?

Which model and engine ? I can tell you about 1.5 16V