

Best Answer

There's a thing called windshield wipers. Try 'em sometime!

Use the defroster.

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Q: How can you stop the front windshield from fogging up while driving?
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It means it's probably dead

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bugs, rock, bird, person, rain, bird dropping

What is the best washer fluid to use for night driving?

Finding a windshield wiper fluid that contains rain-x is a good way to go. Rain-x keeps your windshield free of glare while helping to keep it clean. This is useful for night driving.

What correction should be made to this sentence be sure that while you are at it the windshield washer reservoir has fluid?

Move while you are it to the front of the sentence and place a common after it

Replace Auto Glass?

form_title=Replace Auto Glass form_header=Reduce glare and blind spots while driving with high quality replacement glass. What is the year, make and model of your vehicle?=_ What glass needs replaced?= () Front Left () Front Right () Back Left () Back Right () Windshield Has your windshield ever been replaced before?= () Yes () No Do you want your replacement glass to be tinted?= () Yes () No

Auto Windshield Repair?

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Where should your transponder be while driving on the 407 ETR?

Your transponder should be 5cm from the top of the windshield, behind the rear view mirrior.

Can police tell if you text while driving?

If you are texting in front of them yes.

Why would your car vibrates hard while you are driving?

get front tires balanced

What is Ohio's law about driving with a cracked windshield?

You can't actually get stopped for having a cracked windshield, but if you do get pulled over for some other moving violation and they see (they ARE a paid, trained witness) the cracked windshield, they will cite you with an additional equipment safety violation.