It won't run properly, you'll have to drain the oil all out.
what model first of all. all HD oil tanks have a drain plug. It is not on the engine as previously discussed elsewhwere here because Harley has a dry sump engine.The oil is held in an oil tank and pumped into the engine then out and back into the oil tank. The drain plug, on the tank will be at the lowest point and generally accessable
Toss a match in it. Just kidding. Pour it down the storm drain. ^^I can't do that it's illegal. any REAL answers? If it is a small amount, I mix it with my drain oil (5 gallon container)and take it to the drop off center for waste oil.
ok drain on bottom of oil tank and a drain on the engine located below the shifter make sure to change the oil filter every oil change next to the water pump the bolts to acess the oil filter
Yes there is a oil drain plug it is right under the oil tank.
The plug is on the bottom of the oil tank. There is no oil drain on the engine.
remove the fuel tank and drain the water
it's a hose coming from the oil tank....take it off the end connected to the frame, drain the tank and clamp it back in place.
Oil drain plug is on the left side on bottom of oil tank. Dry sump engines do not have drain plug on engine.
Drain the oil, and refill.
The oil drain plug is at the bottom of the oil tank (for engine). Bottom rear of primary case for primary & transmission.
there is no need for an engine oil drain plug, because when the oil filter is removed and the oil is drained from the oil tank (by way of the oil tank drain hose located by/under the battery box) there is no oil that remains in the engine.