Blind people can "see" with their ears by relying on them to fill in the gaps caused by their lack of visual perception. For instance, while a blind person cannot see an oncoming car, they can hear it, allowing them to move away from the sound as to avoid getting hit. Blind people cannot literally see with their ears, no one can.
Bats. They are blind and rely on their ears to see. They make a slight chatter noise that they use as sonar waves. When the sound waves bounce back to the bat's ears, it allows them to tell where they are or where things are.
Some blind people use a stick to find where they are going. Some use their ears and they sometimes use their noses to smell what food they are eating. Blind people are pretty talented. Mos blind people where glasses so you can't see their eyes. Some also use guide dogs - which are soo cute hope this helps
if you are blind you are considered disabled. the only way this person can use the bathroom is by using catheters.
the bats eyes and ears. During daylight they're pretty much blind so they sleep and mostly the same at night. Meaning Nocturnal (sometimes ima bad speller hahah) They can like kinda see and all but they use there ears to track sound waves. Dude they have incrediable hearing its weird! (: hope that helped?
Someone would use mute math if they were trying to teach a deaf person how to do math, or even a blind person as well because they cant see the paper in front of them.
Even though hamsters eyes are large, they have bad sight and see shapes, not really clear objects. They are red blind and can see yellows and greens best, which might explain their favorite tubes, hideouts, or foods. They use their super noses and ears to make up for their lack of sight, and use their long whiskers lick a bling person might use a walking stick. That is why they are constantly sniffing and moving their noses about!
They use their eyes, but many are blind or very nearly blind.
no not all bats are blind ... .... .... new answer .... OK no all bats are able to see the reason they use sonar is because that they see the same way humans do... they use cones and rods in their eyes, which can't see at night, so there fore... bats are not blind they are more able to see than we are. They are just nocturnal so that they are only out during the night. And thus bats cant see at night even though they can see perfectly normal.No they are not blind, but they have little need to use their eyes to know where to fly. Bats can 'hear' their surroundings by sonar and therefore can 'see' at night.
They're practically blind, but use their antennae to sense.
A deaf and blind person may use a white cane, just like a blind person, to help with navigation and detect obstacles. The color is meant to alert others that the person may have a dual sensory impairment.
The use Braille