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Get a cheap old old old VW Beetle and practice, practice, practice.

Start out in a very remote place with no other cars or any other obstacles to run into for miles around. In this manner, you can concentrate on the precise timing required for manual shifting. Once learned, it is like riding a bicycle or swimming - you never forget.

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Q: How can I learn to drive a stick shift?
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Where can one learn how to drive a stick shift car?

Driving schools can teach anyone how to drive a stick shift, manual transmission vehicle. With that in mind, it's important to find a school with tons of experience.

What percentage of teens can drive stick?

63% of teens can drive a stick shift.

Is it safe to drive a stick shift it skip second gear?

If stick shift jumps outta second gear is it okay to drive the car?

Is a stick shift fun to drive?


What is an example of negative transfer?

You learn to drive an automatic vehicle, but then suddenly you have to drive your brothers manual truck with a shift stick. OR... you learn to eat with a fork, knife, and spoon but then you are going to eat Chinese food with a chopsticks.

Is it easier to learn to drive a vehicle with a stick rather than one that is an automatic for a new driver?

Learning to drive any vehicle can be a challenge. Driving an automatic vehicle is much easier and less stressful on a new driver than learning to drive a stick shift.

How hard is it to drive stick shift?

Not that hard I learned in 15 minutes. Clutch shift.......

If you drive a go cart with a stick shift do you have to be over 16?


How do you drive a 2 shift transmission truck?

You're not going to learn this by reading about it. Also, you need to specify WHICH twin stick transmission.. the Mack transmissions, for example, had a unique shift pattern uncommon to other transmissions.

What is the quickest way to learn how to drive stick?

drive on the back roads

how to drive car?

People drive a manual car by using a stick shift to control the car.

What percentage of Americans drive stick shift?

around minus 15.87%