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Contact the finance company and get a lien release from them. With that lien release you can have them removed from the title. You cannot get the lien release unless you have paid the loan off in full.

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Q: How can I get the Finance Company removed from my title to show only my name in order to sell it?
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How long does it take to receive the title from a finance?

Contact the finance company for that information.

I need to remove my finance company's name from title. I want my CA paper title to read my name only and not company name?

You need to take the release form and the title to the DMV. They will issue you a new title without the finance company on it. They will NOT do this until / unless you have the signed title and a release from the finance company / legal owner. The process costs only a few dollars.

Who owns a car when the finance company refuses to pick it up?

As long as the finance company holds the title, they effectively own the vehicle.

Can you finance a car and put your name as well as another on the title?

It depends on the particular finance company, and possibly state law. Some finance companies will only allow people that are on the finance contract to be put on the title, but some will allow other names on the title.

I am thinking of buying a car from a seller who still has loan payments. How can i be sure i will get the title from him after i pay the finance company?

Go to the bank or finance company and tell them what you are doing. Don't give the seller any money untill you have worked it out with the finance company.

What happens if you have a clean title and loan is secured can finance company still repossess?


Can you sell a car and hold the title for collateral?

Of Course! That's what the bank/finance company does!

Is it illegal for a finance company to use a financed vechicle as collateral?

you cannot use it as collateral because you need to hold title of the vehicle however in this case the finance company has the ownership of the vehicle not you.............

Who is the lienholder in car buying?

Who ever is holding the title as collateral for a loan. The bank or finance company typically.

If a car has finance on it can you still buy it?

Sure. Have owner "order" title to local financing branch. Meet owner at bank, exchange funds and get title. Or, pay the owner amount over the payoff and pay bank or finance company the pay off. Get a power of attorney signed by the owner which will give you permission to sign their name on title. Most reputable car dealers can give additional info on title laws in your state

How far past due can your finance company reposses my vehicle?

Anywhere between 30 days and 90 days. Usually the latter in most cases. If you are falling behind, talk to the finance company and explain the situation. If someone is upfront with them and discusses this early on, then some different arrangements might be able to be made. To the finance company, just stopping the payments without any explanation, means to them that you no longer want the car, so they will take it back, and you will lose all the money you have paid up to that point. Also, it's not "your" vehicle - you don't own it until the Lien is removed from the title. To own a car means you possess the title. The finance company owns the car until it is paid off.

How to purchase a car that has a lien on it?

Pay off the lien or have the current owner pay it off. In some states you must wait for the title from the finance company in order to properly register and insure the vehicle.