Key West, Florida has a population of about 25,000. In terms of land area, the city covers approximately 7.5 square miles. This is the largest of the Florida Keys.
Key West is a city in Marathon county. So Key West is the largest city on Key West the island. It's municipality reaches other islands in the area such as Geiger Key and Big Pine Key which have Key West, Florida addresses.
Key West is in Florida.
Key West, Florida
Key West, Florida for the contiguous States and the Big Island of Hawaii for the US States.
The address of the Key West Maritime Historical Society Of The Florida Keys Inc is: Po Box 695, Key West, FL 33041
Key West, Florida, is in the United States of America.
The driving distance from Islamorada, Florida to Key West, Florida is 81 miles.
It is 3.494 miles according to Google Maps.
The southermost point and/or city in the U.S. State of Florida just happens to be "Key West." Source(s): Educational Resources
Key West is a city in Florida. Provided you are a U.S. citizen, you do not need a passport.