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If you consistently get tickets, they count as points on your DMV record. Also, accidents count as two points. Add these up and you have the method for calculating your insurance premium. Other things are involved; are you over twenty one, married, expensive car, sports car, where you live and some more.

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Q: How are car insurance premiums calculated?
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How much other 24 year olds pay on car insurance?

Car Insurance Premiums are not calculated based on the policy holders age. Instead, they are calculated based on the make of your car, its current market value, the age of your car, your driving history etc

Where can my friend get car insurance premiums?

He could get car insurance premiums if he got a quote from a trusted car insurance provider, maybe Progressive. If he doesn't want to fill out fields, he can request to be contacted by phone instead. It'd be quick and easy.

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Which companies offer the cheapest luxury car insurance?

All major car insurance companies offer luxury car insurance. The premiums vary depending upon the year, the make, the model, the mileage, and the condition of the car and other factors. Your past driving record will also impact your car insurance premiums.

Do fixed car insurance premiums ever increase?

If you were involved in an accident that was your fault, regardless of the terms of your insurance, your premiums will go up. You insurance agent can give you more details.

Why are musicians banned from car insurance?

They are not. Though many insurance companies charge them higher premiums.

How do the premiums for The Hartford insurance compare to premiums for other providers?

Buying insurance can be a stressful activity. Comparing premiums is a great start to finding what is the righ company for you. The Hartford has much higher premiums compared to both State Farm and AAA. This is based on car insurance figures.

What is an EMR Insurance Rating?

An EMR (experience modification rate) insurance rating is a way to determine the workers' compensation premiums for businesses. An annual basis is calculated and premiums can go up or down.

What factors influence car insurance premiums?

Brand of Car Age of Car Gender of person driving the car

What are the best places to find low car insurance premiums?

One should obtain quotes from a company that compares rates to find low car insurance premiums. Progressive is famous for doing this, but quotes can also be requested from AERA Inc and Cheap Car Insurance 123.

How can a Michigan driver lower his car insurance premiums?

Drivers from Michigan can lower car insurance premiums by driving carefully, avoiding accidents and speeding tickets. There are also discounts available to good students, seniors, and veterans.

What is some car insurance for young women?

Car insurance can be in the form of third party or fully comprehensive insurance which is very useful when driving locally and helps to increase insurance premiums