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Q: Graphs about gas prices in last 50 years?
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What will gas prices be in 30 years?

In 30 years, gas prices will be well above $8.00.

Do people still buy fancy gas guzzlers with gas prices so high?

Yes, they do but sales of those vehicles has dropped dramatically in the last two years.

When was the last time gas prices were 1.89?

January 2009

Did gas prices go higher or lower during the last year?

the gas prices went higher some places are almost $4.00.....

What were gas prices like 20 years ago?


Why gas prices changed over the years?

because of the econonmy

How has the gas price changed in the past ten years in the us?

Gas prices have increased drastically

Why are gas price so low these days?

Gas prices have seen record lows these last few months. This is because the price and demand for crude oil has significantly dropped. According to sources, current gas prices reflect the prices back in 1995.

Which is best to calculate gas bill over 8 years mean or median?

mode, lol, to calculate ur average gas bill add up all pevious prices (over the last 8 years) and divide by the amount of prices u have added up (8). That gives u ur average bill. To find the total cost u just add them up, no median of mean (wtf r u on about) Be carefull though your gas prices are probably increasing ; you are not just more likely to use more gas but also gas prices are rising. Mate, it's not hard, I'm 14 :(

Why have the gas prices gone up in the last thirteen years?

Gas is an expensive and exclusive chemical and now sold as a Product,But at first the human mind where asking themselves this question "when will this chemical dry up?" well in the last 13 years scientists discovered that we are running out of gas. So now our countries have to buy the gas drone diffrent countries and that as you know they are asking for a heigher price every year. that is you answer from Sami...Your welcome

lowest gas prices?

lowest gas prices ? lowest gas prices for southern illinois ?

Gas prices 10 years ago?

The gas price 10 years ago was about 2 dollars less than it is now. 10 years ago the gas price in America was about 2 dollars a gallon.