8 to 8 and 1/2 hours
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Berchtesgaden, Germany is 290 miles.
The driving distance is approximately 845 km. The driving time will be about 8 hours, depending on your speed and traffic conditions.
the distance from Zurich to Paris is 596 km. The driving time is about 6H10.
7 hours
about 45 minutes
The driving distance is about 291 km - roughly 3 hours of driving time.
Distance from Berlin to Zurich is 413.4 Miles( 665.3 Kilometers / 359 Nautical Miles )====================
a little over 3 hours
The driving distance from Prague, Czech Republic to Berlin, Germany is 218.17mi / 351.12km
The distance between Ascona and Zurich is approximately 210 km (about 175miles) and takes between 2.5 and three driving hours.
About 6 hours and 40 minutes