The actual time may vary according to the traffic and weather. The approximate driving time between these two places is 83 hours.
The flight time from London Stansted Airport to Paphos is approximately 4 hours and 12 minutes. The total distance is approximately 3196.42 km or 1986 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The shortest driving time is 1 hour and 48 minutes.
2621 miles
Paphos, Cyprus is 2 hours ahead of Manchester, UK
3.5 hours
The air distance from Pahos, Cyprus, to London, England, is 1,985 miles. That equals 3,194 kilometers or 1,725 nautical miles.
The driving distance is about 191 km - approximately 2.5 hours driving time.
2 hours
Distance by road from Pittsburg, Pa. to London, Ontario (Canada) is about 369 miles, driving time approx. 6 hours.
The driving distance from London to Barcelona, Spain is 927 road miles - about 14.5 hours driving time.
Yeah, Ivan Sevcik will come to aep paphos in winter time 2009.