Between: Dallas, TX
and: Santa Fe, NM
Driving miles: 640
Driving time: 10 hrs 45 mins
This approximate driving time and mileage information is based on traveling non-stop in good driving conditions. Driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend travel time. These can include weather, road work, border crossings, and rush hour traffic in urban areas. Mileage denotes actual road miles covered as opposed to Point A to Point B linear distances on a map.
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas, to Princeton, Texas, is 43 miles. It takes about 45 minutes of driving time.
Drivr time from dallas to el paso texas
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4.75 hours.
3 hours approximately
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Lawton, Oklahoma is 191 miles.
The driving distance from Fort Hood to Dallas, Texas is 158 miles and about 2 hours 45 minutes behind the wheel.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 54 minutes.
About 26 hours and 33 minutes of driving time is required to make that 1,778 mile trip according to MapQuest.
Dallas, Texas is in the Central Time Zone, while Santa Fe, New Mexico is in the Mountain Time Zone. Therefore, Santa Fe is 1 hour behind Dallas.
The distance is the same no matter what driving speed is used, only the driving time is altered.
The driving time from Columbia, South Carolina to Dallas, Texas is 15 hours, 28 minutes
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Nashville, Tennessee is 664 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 44 minutes.