The driving distance between Houston, TX and Louisville, KY is approximately 955 miles. The driving time would be approximately 16 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
Typically between 3 and 4 hours driving time.
960 miles
About 630 miles and 10.5 hours driving time.
It is 297.02 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 152.88 miles according to MapQuest.
There is no "Greenboro" Kentucky. However, there is a Greensburg, Kentucky and a Greensboro, North Carolina. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky and Greensburg, Kentucky is about 83 miles. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky, Greensboro, North Carolina is about 490 miles.
According to Google Maps, there are 152 miles between Dayton, Ohio and Louisville Kentucky.
Distance:The direct distance between New York City and Louisville, Kentucky is 653 miles (1050 km).The driving distance between New York City and Louisville, Kentucky is 738 mi - about 12 hours 6 mins.Flight:New York, NY (NYC) to Louisville, KY (SDF)Flight Duration 2 hours 22 mins
77.58 miles
It is 608 miles and has an estimated driving time of 10 hours and 21 minutes according to Google Maps.
The length of the drive is right at about 860 miles. Mapquest is good about giving the driving distance between two U.S. locations. A link is provided.
104 miles