Santa Barbara and Hearst Castle are both cities located in the state of California. There is 135. 8 miles in distance between these two cities.
160 miles
The driving distance from San Francisco, CA, USA to Hearst Castle, 750 Hearst Castle Road, San Simeon, CA 93452, USA is 240.3mi / 386.73km
34.3 mi, 50 mins
239 Miles - 385 Km
230 miles, abut 5 hours drive.
About 2-3 hours
147 miles following this route:Take U.S. 101 NORTH from Santa Barbara to HIGHWAY 1 NORTH to MORRO BAY and HEARST CASTLE (San Simeon).Take HIGHWAY 1 NORTH to San Simeon.
iam your biggest fan
The driving distance from Hearst Castle to Monterey, CA is approximately 130 miles, which would take around 2.5 to 3 hours to drive without traffic.
Hearst Castle, Carmel by the Sea, Santa Barbara, the Harris Ranch, and the Tule Elk Reserve are some places to see.
Hearst Castle was created in 1947.