291 km on D5/E50 and A6.
This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen. The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 184.62mi
285 kilometres taking this route:Take D5 - E50 PLZEŇ, from Prague, to DEUTSCHLAND, where the highway continues as AUTOBAHN A6.Continue on A6 to NÜRNBERG.
The driving distance is about 1,044 km
The driving distance from Prague, Czech Republic to Berlin, Germany is 218.17mi / 351.12km
The driving distance from Ljubljana, Slovenia to Prague, Czech Republic is about 719 km (447 miles).
The driving distance is about 550 km (342 miles).
The driving distance between Munich, Germany and Nuremberg, Germany is 103 miles / 166 km
The driving distance from Budapest, Hungary to Prague, Czech Republic is 525km
The driving distance is about 238 road miles or 382 km
253 miles
2,337 miles.