The driving distance is about 385 miles.
The driving distance from Austin, TX to Williamsburg, VA is 1,520 miles.
The driving distance between Charlottesville VA and Williamsburg VA is about 121 road miles.
The distance is approximately 57 road miles.
about 60 miles
The shortest driving distance is 268 miles.
61 miles
The driving distance between Williamsburg, VA, and Houston, TX is approximately 1,350 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This journey would take roughly 20-22 hours of continuous driving, not accounting for traffic or rest stops.
The driving distance from Durant, Oklahoma to Charlotte, North Carolina is 1,061 miles.
The driving distance in miles between Charlotte, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia, is 252 miles.
60 miles
Driving distance: 625.25 miles / 1,006.25 kilometers - Time: 10:51 h