The driving distance between London, England and Nottingham, England is 128 mi - about 2 hours 31 mins.
It's about 135miles
There are 128.779 miles between Essex, UK and Nottingham, England.
The distance between Nottingham and Leicester is approximately 30 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 174 miles.
About 210 km via the MI motorway.....
The driving distance from London to Penzance is about 296 miles using the M3 and A30.
The shortest driving distance is 53.9 miles.
The driving distance is about 300km.
The driving distance from London, UK to Aachen, Germany is 316.13mi / 508.76km
The driving distance from London, ON, Canada to Milwaukee, WI, USA is 492.3mi / 792.3km
The total driving distance from London, United Kingdom to Denmark is 775 miles.