There are 394 miles from Cannes to Barcelona. It should take just about 6 hours to drive.
7 hours
The flight distance from London to Cannes is 1033 kilometers. It is possible to drive there and that distance is 1373 kilometers.
You will never get there if you drive a ford
It is an estimated 482.6 miles between Cannes and Bordeaux. Without traffic or stops it would take an estimated 6 hours and 47 minutes to drive.
Fly in a plane, drive, go on the train or walk.
I can not get any transit directions, but says that it would take about 3 hours and 43 mins to drive from Rome to Pisa.
I just drove it on 19 June 09. I left the far end of Cannes and it took about 45 minutes to get to the Nice airport. There are two tolls going NIce to Cannes (.80 Euro & 2.40 Euro) but only one (.80 Euro) going from Cannes back to Nice airport. The cab ride is around 90 Euro. Pretty steep.
It is in the city of Pisa, ItalyIt is in the city of Pisa, ItalyIt is in the city of Pisa, ItalyIt is in the city of Pisa, ItalyIt is in the city of Pisa, ItalyIt is in the city of Pisa, Italy
The population of Cannes is 72,939.
AS Cannes was created in 1909.
Cannes is pronounced can as in "can of beer".