Only if you have a heat pump system which is basically an air conditioner which can run in reverse, absorbing heat from outdoors and discharging it indoors via the refrigeration cycle.
You do not want it to run on low freon as it will burn itself up. There is a low pressue switch that tells it not to run if the freon pressure is below a certain point. To make it run; add freon.
Because when your house is cold the heater automaticly turn on and when its the temperature is at the degrees you set it as it turn off.
Kinda-sorta. Most cars, the heater is part of the cooling system. If you pull the heater hose off you're left with a hole that'll drain the coolant out. If for some reason you want to run a car w/o the heater hose or the heater, you need to make sure that the coolant still can circulate as it's expected. You'll either need to plug something, or run a bypass loop.
after twelve thousand years, so don't worry
Your pool pump needs to be pushing the water through your solar system
You constantly need hot water
A common problem is that the heater resistor/ circuit board is defective and need to be replaced. The main symptom is that the heater fan with not run on the three low speeds but will run on high.
It is not the square feet that determines the size water heater you need it is the demand. The more people who live in the home the higher the demand on the water heater to produce enough hot water. 1-3 people requires a 40 gallon water heater 4-6 people requires a 50 gallon water heater Of course you can make do with a 40 gallon water heater with a family of 4 or more but you will at times run out of hot water. Even if there are only 1 or 2 living in the home do not buy a 30 gallon water heater. You save very little money and may run out of hot water. But at least a 40 gallon.
Nope........... You can bypass it if its leaking and run the vehicle as normal..........
This can be a sign of a bad compressor and you will need to run a compressor check first, this can be done without draining the freon....
The squeal when you turn on the AC or heater is a loose fan belt. It may be cracked and need replaced, or it may just need tightened.
Maybe you need a freon boost.